“Sekrion, Nexus Mind” is a Vex Boss.
Year 1[edit]
This is the Mind for the Venus Nexus. Like most of its kind, it is protected by a rotating impenetrable shield.
During the beginning of the fight there are only a few addition Vex around. Just whatever survived your initial entrance until it appeared. When you reduce its health by 25%, it will call in a large number of Goblins, and Harpies. Later, around 50% it will call in more of the same, just with Hobgoblins. The next round has Minotaurs that you have to worry about as well.
Its weak point is its eye.
Soloing Sekrion, Nexus Mind[edit]
There are 3 recommended spots for soloing Sekrion. The first is to camp on the ledge above Sekrion. Just be aware that periodically Minotaurs will come in behind you. You need to kill them quickly before they can get you.
The second location is the ring above Sekrion. It takes some careful jumping (Hunters will have trouble reaching this one without Triple Jump) to land there. With a little positioning work, you can fire down on your target.
The third location is found to the left of where you come in. Drop down to the ground. Head over to the left. Climb up to the indicated stalagmite. Turn to the left and jump up onto the top of the nearby structure. Again, Hunters can have trouble because of the angle needed. Titans and Warlocks can glide up with moderate ease. Head over to the left and get behind the pillar. Duck against the pillar to avoid most damage. Just poke around the corner to get some clear shots on Sekrion.
Year 3 - Vex[edit]

- Eye Blast
- Mark of the Void
Nightfall Changes[edit]
This fight is much closer to the Templar battle inside the Vault of Glass. Sekrion will be protected by an all encompassing shield. The only way to bring it down is to use the Aegis's Super ability to blast it down. Be sure that the area in front of you is clear when launching the attack or else there is a chance that the blast could catch and explode on something else. While it has a very short charge time, you need to be exposed to get the shot off. This can be very