The Quest Step Talk to Eris Morn in Destiny: The Taken King.

“Guardian, you and I have much in common. We know what waits in the shadows. We know what it means to face the Hive.

"And now, because of you, I know hope. Hope for the year ahead. Hope that, though we may not be able to see what lies before us, with the right allies we will find our way.”

“Talk to Eris Morn” is a Step in the Quest Veteran's Tour in Destiny: The Taken King


Talk to Eris Morn - Veteran's Tour

Head for the Hall of Guardians. Eris Morn has relocated to just inside the entrance. She has set up between the pair of stairs leading down into the Hall itself. Go and talk with her. She will offer you an updated Class item: Cloak of the Dusktorn, Mark of the Duskborn or Curse of the Hidden.

Next you need to visit Lord Shaxx.

Quest Steps[edit]