The Templar Challenge is a Challenge introduced in the Destiny: Age of Triumph.
The Challenge[edit]
Defeat the Templar without it Teleporting.
Completing the Challenge[edit]
The Aegis appears for this fight and it will be key for you to defeat the Templar. When the Super is available, this is what will allow the Guardians to break the Shield around the Templar and start damaging it. Picking the Aegis will begin the Templar Encounter.
At the Beginning of the encounter 3 Red Oracles will appear in sequence. These must be destroyed quickly before they activate or else the party will die. The Templar will appear in the middle of the arena.
The Relic is key to helping ensure that the Templar will not Teleport. There are 2 Locations that it can attempt to teleport to. Each will be marked by a Pillar of Light in the center of a Circle of Light.
The first is on the left-hand side (from where you enter the Templar's Well. It is the elevated platform next to the stairs going downward on this side.
The second is on the right-hand side, just to the left of the upwards staircase just past the middle right.
To prevent the Templar from Teleporting, a Guardian needs to be within the Circle around the pillar of light. Be warned, especially if you are on the left-hand teleport location, that the Templar will begin an immediate barrage of blasts. Using the Aegis or a Ward of Dawn, the Guardian will easily be able to hold the position and withstand the barrage. There will be a number of Harpies, and when the teleport fails, Minotaurs that will appearing around the area. This also means that the Templar will not be getting its shield back.
Most of the team will then be either firing on the Templar or the additional forces. The team must be split, holding down the teleport locations. Favor your primary and use it to kill off the Adds. Otherwise, focus on damaging the Templar with either Special or Heavy Weapons.
It helps immensely to have 1 or 2 Defender Titans with Ward of Dawn and Bastion active. To use the Ward of Dawn properly, the Ward must be activated a few seconds after the Teleport Marker appears at its location. Bastion will ensure that the Ward of Dawn has a chance to last for 2-3 Teleport Cycles from the Templar.
Damaging the Templar[edit]
Killing the Templar involves patience and coordination. Either one or two Guardians will need to deal with the Teleport locations.
Safe Spots[edit]
With the right-hand side teleport location, a Guardian can stand on the ground and be within the Teleport Ring. Be sure to be standing since crouching removes them from the range.