There are 2 Dead Ghosts to be found in The Black Garden. They can be collected on any mission or during a patrol. Each Ghost can only be collected once per account.


Ghost 1[edit]

This hunt begins after you take the Teleport. Turn to the left and start climbing the wall there.

The Black Garden Dead Ghost 1

After several jumps, you will see the Dead Ghost sitting on a ledge opposite you. Just head to it and claim it.

The Black Garden Dead Ghost 1

Ghost 2[edit]

This is in the room with the massive rock formation in the middle:

The Black Garden Dead Ghost 2

Head over to the right from when you can clearly see this. Head along the cliff on the left-hand side. Follow it to the small dip in it. This is to the left of where the plateau enters the building.

The Black Garden Dead Ghost 2

Go down onto the dip and follow it a little longer to the right.

The Black Garden Dead Ghost 2

Taken King Dead Ghosts[edit]

2 more Ghosts have been added to the Black Garden Story Mission.

There are 2 Dead Ghosts to be found in The Black Garden. They can be collected on any mission or during a patrol. Each Ghost can only be collected once per account.

Ghost 3[edit]

This hunt begins after you take the Teleport. Head straight forward and through the first archway. Immediately look to the left. Jump up onto the wall and climb up it to the second ledge. Head forward to the turn and look across the room.

The Black Garden Dead Ghost 3

On the far side of the room you will see the Dead Ghost on another ledge.

The Black Garden Dead Ghost 3

Ghost 2[edit]

This is in the room with the massive rock formation in the middle:

The Black Garden Dead Ghost 2

Head to the right and then jump onto this block to jump onto the black tower just in front of it.

The Black Garden Dead Ghost 4

Look along the face of it toward the Vex. You will see this small slot. Jump over to it to find the Dead Ghost.

The Black Garden Dead Ghost 4