Thogar the Forsaken in Destiny.

“Thogar the Forsaken” are a sacrifice of The Hive in Destiny: The Dark Below.




Mind Blasts, slam, charge


Thogar, the Forsaken is one of a pair of bosses during Ritual of the Forsaken. This Ogre is the normal size and somewhat difficult to deal with because of the limited area not covered with Vestiges.

If you get close, Thogar will use a Ground slam for high damage and that sends you flying away from him. At a distance it will locate you then start blasting with its mind powers. These are very rapid so it is important to get into cover as they will chip away at your health rapidly.

Finally, like other Ogres, Thogar can regenerate some health and enter a range. The health recovery is slow but this rage state does boost its overall damage. During the last part of its health, keep your distance.