“Valus Mau'ual” are leaders of Cabal.
The first one of the brothers to enter the arena is Valus Mau'ual. Mau'ual will start jetting around the arena and performing fist slams. These have a moderate area of impact and effect. Do no stand anywhere nearby him when he comes down.
After you do about a quarter damage to Mau'ual, reinforcements will be inbound. This includes some Psion Burners that come in. These are Solar Psions that will. At 50% health, Valus Mau'ual will flee from the arena. More Reinforcements will enter. get what shots you can
When he comes back after retreating, he will now leave a fiery aura where he lands after the slam attack. It last at last 15 seconds and will Burn any Guardian who stands in it. He will remain until defeated this time.
If Mau'ual is the only Brother remaining, he will gain his brother's cannon. He will have the homing missiles of his brother. Do not expect to use them too much. Mostly expect them if the Fireteam gets to be too far away from him for a while.