“Valus Ta'aurc” is a Leader of The Cabal.
Mini Gun
Rocket Launcher
Ta'aurc will attempt to simply blow you away with his gun and rockets. The thing is that you have plenty of cover to work with at the beginning. He will just stand in one place initially and start shooting. Aftre a while he will start moving side to side.
Whenever you reduce Valus Ta'aurc by 25% of his total health, he will change sides. Each of these times is accompanied by an increasing number of Phalanx, Legionaries and Psions coming after you. When you get him to move for the second time, you will need to worry about Psion Operants. At this point, the adds also become regular. They no longer require a trigger to come into the arena.
When Valus Ta'aurc is at 25% or less he will begin to roam freely. This is the most challenging part with all the other Cabal coming into the area. Take your time with your shots. Be sure that someone is paying attention toward managing all the adds to reduce that concern to a degree.
Soloing Valus Ta'aurc[edit]
There are 2 safe spots that can cut most of the damage from Valus.
- Safe Spot 1
Head to the back left portion of the room and slip between the wall and the ramp there. You can take shelter behind the crates. Here, you just need to worry about the occasional blast getting through. There are some bullets that can make it through the gap between the crates that you can use. Be sure that you duck out of the way quickly whenever the bullets start getting through. They add up quickly.
- Safe Spot 2
There is a second spot close to where you enter the arena as well. Head over to get behind the marked thing. Duck and then move up against the thing. This will block most of the fire coming in. Most of the rockets will hit the wall or the container and explode harmlessly.