“Valus Tlu'urn” is a leader of the Cabal.
Rocket Launcher
After a minute or two, Valus Tlu'urn will enter the arena. Tlu'urn will likely start by launching a number of missiles at the Guardians who are in the arena. You will see circles on the ground where they are going to impact. Stay out of them. At the same health as his brother, more Reinforcements will be called into the arena. Again, when you get him to 50% health, he will flee the arena. Get what shots you can in on him as he departs. All damage is cumulative.
When Tlu'urn returns to the Arena, he will now be able to create a shield around himself. It will stop all fire on him while active from beyond it. Inside, he can still be harmed. It lasts at least 30 - 45 seconds.
If Tlu'urn is the remaining brother, he will start performing a shorter range version of his Brothers Slam attack. It will not have the Burn effect to the slam.