The Warpriest in Destiny: The Taken King.

“Warpriest” is a Boss in the King's Fall Raid.

Party Suggestions[edit]


Nightstalkers and Gunslingers are recommended. For the boost in damage from the Shadowshot and the damage that the Golden Gun can do.

Bladedancers are not too useful save for the clearing adds phases of the fight. They lack the precision that can make them very useful with the Aura of the Initiate. They can still be very helpful.


Defender Titans help a lot with their Weapons of Light boost when paired with the Aura of the Initiate. This can make it possible to defeat the boss in just one or two uses of Aura.

Striker Titans will need to be careful because of their super's launching ability on them. It is great for clearing out enemies.

Sunbreaker Titans remain very good at clearing adds and the range of the super can hit the boss. Save the super for the adds though.


Voidwalkers are very useful here. With their focused blast of a Super, it can be easy to clear any given group of Hive spawn without much difficulty.

Stormcallers remain very good at clearing out the adds in the fight. They are not great for doing damage against the Warpriest itself but they will help with the adds.

Sunsingers still useful. Radiance can help generate orbs off any kill they make. This does help


Before starting the battle, designate a Caller. This Guardian will be running out onto the ledge with the boss when the Glyph Sequence begins.

In this arena you will find 3 plates. One is in the middle, one on the right-hand side on a platform and one of the left-hand side on a high platform. To trigger the boss fight, a Guardian needs to stand on each plate in the room. This will cause the Warpriest to appear. For now, the Warpriest is invulnerable and you will be unable to damage him. However, it will not be too long before you have the chance.

Defeat the Warpriest - King's Fall

Standing on the plates will cause waves of Hive to spawn and start rushing the plates. When each group has cleared most of their wave, a Hallowed Knight will appear nearby each plate. The guardians by the plate need to kill it. This will begin the Glyph sequence which will allow the Guardians to hurt the Warpriest.

Defeat the Warpriest - King's Fall

One of the Guardians will need to head to the far side of the room at this point to see the lights on the sides of the platform shine. This will let the Guardians know the sequence the plates need to be activated in.

Defeat the Warpriest - King's Fall

The Guardian standing on the Third Plate in the sequence will be granted the buff Aura of the Initiate. They and any Guardians nearby them will be able to damage the Warpriest. Holding the Brand is a dangerous thing but very enabling. The Brand starts with a 10 second timer. When it expires, it will kill the Guardian who has it. However, if the Guardian manages to kill an enemy in the time span, the timer will reset. To maximize the time of the Aura, it is recommended to wait to close to the end of the timer (between 1-2 seconds) to refresh it. It will harmlessly expire after the 5th time it is reset.

Defeat the Warpriest - King's Fall

When the Aura expires after the Holder has made 5 kills, the Warpriest will loose a very powerful attack that will kill any Guardian not in the shadow of the Monument or any shadow in the room in front of him.

Defeat the Warpriest - King's Fall

When the Oculus has finished glowing, 1 of the 3 Monuments will be destroyed. It will still function for the Glyph sequence but you will not be able to hide behind it again. You need to repeat this process each time to damage the Warpriest and defeat him.

Reusable Hiding Spot[edit]

In the middle of the Warpriest arena, there is a low pile of rocks nearby the middle plate. Some fireteams will hide here to avoid the Oculus' burst.