The Quest Step, Basic Bow Frame in Destiny 2: Black Armory.

Basic Bow Frame is a quest step in Destiny 2: Black Armory.


An uncalibrated weapon frame obtained from Ada-1. It's missing a charged Weapon Core.

Recover a Weapon Core from a Stolen Black Armory Crate in Artifact's Edge, or the Hallows on Nessus

Obtain Unstable Radiolaria from the Vex to charge the Weapon Core.


  • Weapon Core obtained
  • Unstable Radiolaria


  • To complete this set of the Bow Frame quest, head to [[Destiny 2: Nessus|Nessus] and land at Artifact's Edge.
  • Here, you will be able to kill plenty of Vex for the Unstable Radiolaria that you need.
  • Just wait for the Forge Saboteur message to appear after that.
  • When the Saboteur appears, destroy the Shield Drone around the stolen cache.
  • Collect the Weapon Core from inside the Cache to complete the objective.

Quest Steps[edit]

Additional Notes[edit]