Best in Class in Guardian Games 2022.

The Primary Quest to begin the Guardian Games 2022. Begins as soon as you load into the game on 5/3/2022.


Visit Eva Levante[edit]

"You Guardians are so ambitious. It's hard to keep up with all your achievements! This should help." - Eva Levante

    • Represent your class in the Guardian Games by earning Medallions, Laurels, and by completing Contender or Platinum Cards.
  • Purchase a Contender Card from Eva Levante
  • Earn Medallions by completing ritual activities, or by completing Platinum or Contender Cards, which can be purchased from Eva.
  • Medallions can be turned in at the podium for Game-Specific rewards.
  • Use the Laurels Eva gave you to purchase a Contender Card.

Earn Medallions and Laurels[edit]

"I like a Guardian who's willing to bet on themselves." - Prak'kesh the Bookie

    • Earn 10 Laurels
    • Earn a Medal
  • Earn Medallions by completing activities.
  • Earn Laurels by defeating targets with your class abilities, or by defeating especially powerful combatants with your Guardian Games class item equipped.

Return to Eva Levante[edit]

"Back already? Why, you hardly broke a sweat! Very impressive." - Eve Levante

    • Speak with Eva Levante in the Tower Courtyard
  • Having completed the activity you chose to do, it is time to head for the Tower again.
  • Travel into the Courtyard of the Tower
  • Go and talk with Eva Levante to learn what to do next.

Deposit Medals[edit]

"Steady on Guardian. You keep putting up numbers like that, and my bettors will think the Games are fixed!" - Prak'kesh the Bookie

    • Deposit Medallion
  • Go over to the large display set up for the Guardian Games.
  • Go to the respective flag for your active class and interact with it to deposit the Medallion you've been awarded so far.

Speak to Eva Levante[edit]

"You're gonna make a lot of people rich, and a lot of people angry during the Guardian Games. I make the vig either way, so I'll just say, 'Good luck.'" - Prak'kesh the Bookie

    • Speak to Eva Levante in the Tower Courtyard
  • Having completed the activity, return to the Tower.
  • Make your way over to Eva Levante and talk with her to start the next step.

Speak to Zavala[edit]

"Back to the Tower, eh? Do me a favor. If you see Commander Zavala, just... don't mention my name." - Prak'kesh the Bookie

    • Speak to Zavala in the Tower Courtyard.
  • Head over to Commander Zavala and talk with him.
  • This will start give you access to the new Guardian Games Playlists.

Guardian Games Recreation[edit]

"Are you going out to do some strikes, Guardian? Don't forget to bring a snack... and a sword!" - Eva Levante

  • Complete an Activity in the Guardian Games: Recreation Playlist, and earn Vanguard Medallions during combat.
    • Vanguard Medal Earned
    • Recreational Playlist Activity Completed

Speak to Zavala[edit]

"" - Prak'kesh the Bookie

Speak to Eva Levante[edit]

"A lot of smart money is coming in behind you, Guardian. Seems like you got plenty of fans out there. Let's give them something to cheer about!" - Prak'kesh the Bookie

  • Speak to Eva Levante in the Tower Courtyard
  • Simply return to Eva now and talk with her.
  • This will complete the quest and give you the new SMG: The Title.


Video Walkthrough[edit]

[ Best in Class Video Walkthrough]