The Objective, “Repair the converters” in Destiny 2.

Repair the converters is an Objective in the Story Riptide in Destiny 2.


Clear Hive secretions away from the converter pistons.


  • Go across the gap and climb into the open doorway at the top of the tower.
  • Once inside, head over to the left and destroy the Hive Secretions in front of you.
  • Go up the ramp and over around to the right to reach the next portion of the Hive Secretion. Once again, destroy it.
  • Continue around to the piston upwards and exit out of this building.
  • Travel along the shattered remains of the connecting bridge.
  • Go into the door opening around the middle of the building.
  • In this room you will encounter a few Acolytes and a Knight.
  • Head through and start across the next fragmented bridge.
  • Jump up onto the remains of the bridge above you.
  • Once on it, turn to the right and head across the catwalk with the gaps in it.
  • As you get to the tower itself, expect to encounter more Acolytes.
  • Just before the entrance you will find a Knight and 2 Acolytes.
  • Go inside the building and head down.
  • Go over to the back of the room and drop down the opening there.
