David Sarif in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

David Sarif is a person in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

Related Missions[edit]


David Serif is the former CEO and founder of Sarif industries. He is responsible for Adam Jensen receiving his augments that has in the game.

Sarif comes from an immigrant family that moved to Boston. He grew up knowing the value of hard work. He is very straight forward in his business dealings and is unafraid to show emotion. He has a sister and a niece: Natalie and Nina Freeman.

In 2007, he promised, and delivered to revitalize Detroit by starting and converting his factory for augmentations there. He single-handedly revitalized the city economy doing this.

After the Aug Incident, moving into Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Sarif has become more reserved and is more willing to let other carry the banner for a while. He is still deeply involved with science and technology.