Examine Smolinski's Notes in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

Examine Smolinski's Notes is a mission objective in The Harvester in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.


Once you are back on street level, you will need to make your way to the local police station. Head out to the East and follow the marker toward your destination.

Examine Smolinski's Notes - The Harvester

Go inside the police station and head for the door in the back left. You will find it with a locked keypad (Security Rating 3). The code is 0010 if you cannot hack it.

Examine Smolinski's Notes - The Harvester

Through the door, go down the stairs and head for the back right portion of the room. You will see lockers there. One of them has Smolinski's name on it. This is the one you will want to open. Do note though there is a lot to find around here in terms of weapons and ammo. Take some time to clear it out and collect relevant types for your style.

Examine Smolinski's Notes - The Harvester

Break open the locker and grab the folder. This has Smolinki's notes for Harvester Copycat Victim 4?
