Art Dealer's Appartment in Dishonored

The Art Dealer's Apartment is a location in Dishonored

It is the home of Art Dealer Bunting

It is a big house in the Distillery District. On both sides of the house there is a green banner that says "All New Exhibition - Tyvian Burial Urns". It is the house across from Dr. Galivan's office, before the Wall of Light.

The door requires the Art Dealer's Key which you get by helping a woman in distress in one of the alleys.

If you have Blink level 2, you can blink up to the third floor balcony from the pipes that lead to the second floor balcony. The third floor balcony doors are unlocked and the apartment can be entered from here. Be warned that there are four of Slackjaw's men in the apartment trying to figure out how to crack the safe, two of them quite close to where you enter.


Art Dealer's Safe