Ivor, the Vast One at the Arena of the One in Divinity Original Sin II (D:OS2)

Ivor, the Vast One is an NPC in Divinity: Original Sin 2.




Narrator — *He emits an echoing rumble you assume to be a greeting.*

Ifan ben—Mezd ’ *Ask about the arena.*

Ivor, the Vast One - It's an arena. You bash things until they're dead. It's how we worship. Ain‘t sure what else you need to know. If ya win here, ya get to fight in other ones once they let us outta Fort Joy. Maybe even gain the power of the One.

Ifan ben-Mezd ‘ *Ask about him.*

Ivor, the Vast One — Always had a mean streak. My ma reckoned I was a demon. First time Source went rushin' outta me, I reduced her to ash in the blink of an eye. Seems she was right. Ain‘t a wonder Magisters hate Source. I can take it or leave it. Won't keep me from snappin‘ a few limbs.

lfan ben—Mezd - *Ask about the One.*

Ivor, the Vast One - They say the One is a living god. You prove yourself worthy in the arenas, and you get divine power. Sounds like a good deal to me. The gal right there can tell you more, I reckon.



Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Talk to Ivor the Vast One to learn more about himself and the Arena.


  • "Grumble"

See also[edit]