Jeth at the Fort Joy Ghetto in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Is irritated about Fara's whining.

Jeth is an NPC in Divinity: Original Sin 2

Can be found at the Fort Joy Ghetto, sitting on a wooden stool close to Fara


Jeth sits on his stool, next to Fara. He is annoyed and constantly complains about Fara's (his wife?) cries for her daughter, Erma. He thinks Fara has gone mad.


Fort Joy Ghetto
Fort Joy Ghetto

Sitting on a stool




Jeth - A fella can’t hear himself think with all this racket! Day and night she hollers after that child! Y’hear that, Fara? You got to cut that out! What's happened to ya?

Sebille - ‘Say that if he doesn’t like it, perhaps he should help her.*

Jeth - Aye, she needs help, but none that I can give. Mad as cuckoo, that one, and twice as loud.

Sebille - *Say she seems perfectly sane, if distraught.*

Jeth - 'Distraught' don't even begin to cover it. She’s hollerin' after that child of hers - killed by a Voidwoken, she was! Been dead and buried for a month now. Never even stepped foot in Fort Joy. ...and there ain’t no amount of hollerin’ that’ll bring her back.


Jeth - She don’t listen to reason! Maybe you’ll have better luck than I. If I have to hear her callin' after Erma another day, I might lose my head. And there’s not a soul here who'd blame me!


Ifan Ben-Mezd - *Ask if the two of them have history.* Jeth - Known her all my life. Her little girl Erma, too. Fara was a straight-shootin' woman in those days, but now she's madder'n a cuckoo and twice as loud.

Ifan Ben-Mezd - * Ask why he thinks she's mad.*

Jeth - What else do you call hollerin' after a ghost? That child of hers she's shouting after has been dead and buried a month over. Killed by a Voidwoken back in our home village. Never even stepped foot in Fort Joy. ...and there ain't no amount of hollerin' that'll bring her back.


The Red Prince - ‘Agree that being stuck here is bad enough without that din on top of it.*

Jeth -I had sympathy at first! A mum callin' after her dead child's a sad sight. But even sympathy has its limits.

The Red Prince - *Ask how he knows the child is dead.*

Jeth - Known her all my life. Her little girl Erma, too. Fara was a straight-shootin’ woman in those days, but now she’s madder’n a cuckoo and twice as loud.


Sebille - [SCHOLAR] ’Observe that she's exhibiting normal signs of grief following traumatic loss*

Jeth - Might well be, but that ain't helpin' either of us sleep at night. Don't misunderstand me now, I feel for the lass. Known her all my life. Her little girl Erma, too. Fara was a straight-shootin' woman in those days, but now she's madder'll a cuckoo and twice as loud.

Sebille - *Ask why he thinks she's mad.*

Jeth - What else do you call hollerin' after a ghost? That child of hers she's shouting after has been dead and buried a month over. Killed by a Voidwoken back in our home village. Never even stepped foot in Fort Joy____and there ain't no amount of hollerin' that'll bring her back.


Ifan Ben-Mezd - [VILLAIN] ’Suggest he give her what she wants. There must be a necromancer around here ' somewhere...*

Narrator - *The dwarf glares at you.*

Jeth - This place can breed a grim sense of humour, no doubt, but you watch your words. I feel for the lass; she's no stranger. Known her all my life. Her little girl Erma, too. Fara was a straight-shootin’ woman in those days, but now she’s madder'n a cuckoo and twice as loud.




Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Jeth does not have anything worthwhile for trade.


  • "Do whatever you want. I have no idea where your lousy crate is" -to Waltz, after she accused him of stealing Griff's crate.