Laslor is an NPC in Divinity: Original Sin 2

Can be found at the Fort Joy Ghetto next to a campfire.


Laslor is a merry dwarf who likes to sing. You meet him sitting by the campfire, chanting tunes, eating fish, and warming up by the fire. He wants to know if you know any new melodies.


Fort Joy Ghetto
Fort Joy Ghetto

Near campfire



Laslor - Say! I don't know any elvish ditties. Got anything spicy enough to keep my mind off this place for a few bars?

Sebille - [ELF] * You try to remember an elvish song called 'Elder Flower' but the exact tunc and lyrics escape you.*

Laslor Ho ho! Don't break a head-vein now! Been that long since you've been home, has it? Pity, pity...


Laslor - Give us a smile! We may be here, but at least we're alive! And ain't the sun rather fine on yer face, to boot?


Laslor - Say! I don't know any Ancicnt Empire ditties. Got anything spicy enough to keep my mind off this place fora few bars?

The Red Prince • [RED PRINCE) 'Tell him that as a lizard prince1, the tunes you know arc used to control slave folk like himself. Such power is not for him to know.*

Laslor • Blimey! Must be real fun parties you throw back home. Slave folk like myself, eh? Go kiss a rat's behind, why don't you?


Laslor - Take a hike, would you, skipper? Wouldn't to work yer slaver magic on me!


Laslor - Ho ho! Ain't comc to shako me down fer me knickers, have ya? They're all I've got left after yer buddies were through with me!

llan Ben-Mezd - (HUMAN) *Say you're not one of the brutes harassing people here.*

Laslor - That so? Ho! You look just like ’em. But then again I never was the best at telling your kind apart. No harm intended, of course!


Laslor - Say! I don't know any Ancicnt Empire ditties. Got anything spicy enough to keep my mind off this place for a few bars?

The Red Prince • [LIZARD] 'Screw up your face tiying to remember the melody of the ancient song 'Division,' but it doesn't quite come to you.*

Laslor - Ho ho! Don't break a head-vein now! Been that long since you've been home, has it? Pity, pity...




Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Laslor has very little for trade.


  • "Fifty bottles of tears, oh!"
  • "A thousand bottles o'dust!"