Amyro is locked in a cage and you must arrange for his release, in the quest "The Imprisoned Elf".

"The Imprisoned Elf" is a side-quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2


"The Imprisoned Elf" involves arranging for the release of an elf named Amyro who was imprisoned by Camp Boss Griff.





Get to release the imprisoned Amyro from his cage.


  • Start this quest by talking to any of these three characters:
  • Griff will tell you he will release Amyro from his cage if you recover some supplies that were stolen from him.
  • If you have the Pet Pal talent and you talk to a Rat there, he gives you a hint as to who took the supply.
  • Head south on the beach and locate Stingtail.
  • Talk to Stingtail.
  • Either take the supplies back by force or persaude him to give them to you.
    • FINESSE is Stingtail's weak spot so that's your best chance at winning with persuasion.
  • Return to Griff.
  • Tell Griff you found his supplies. You can either give them back to him, or refuse to. If you refuse to give back the supplies, [[Divinity Original Sin 2: Griff|Griff] and his crew attacks you.
  • Griff will then ask you to tell him who the thief is. You can choose to rat out Stingtail, or refuse to. If you don't tell Griff who the thief is, he and his crew attacks you.
  • If you tell Griff about Stingtail, Griff later sends an assassin named "Silence" to assassinate Stingtail.
  • Talk to Amyro
  • Talk to Saheila

Quest Items[edit]



Fane - *Say you're looking for a way out of Fort Joy.*

Narrator - *Her eyebrows shoot up.*

Saheila - There can be a way. Amyro knows! But he is gone. Do you see him? He knows how to leave.

Fane - *Ask about this Amyro.*

Saheila - My protector. My friend. An elf like me, with a spirit bright as new leaves. He tries to help me, to save me, and he suffers very much. He is caught by those who hurt him. I wish so much for his return. And he tells you what you seek. A way out.

Fane - *Promise you'll help her friend.*

Saheila - You bring me great peace. Thank you, my friend. I miss him very much. I see something that helps. I see a lizard. He is a lizard of many dreams, of far-feeling. You do not free Amyro without him.


Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • If you have Sebille in your party, she will want to kill Stingtail. If you want him alive (he is the Pyrokinetic merchant), keep her away from your party until after you've talked to him.
  • If you enter a battle with Griff, him and his entire crew will attack you, so you may be outnumbered and outgunned. Better not to fight Griff unless you have a strong party.
  • If you talk to Butter (the archer) and make her a love interest before fighting Griff and his gang, Butter will side with you in the fight against Griff
  • If you refuse to give up Stingtail, you will be awarded the "Hero" tag.
  • If you tell Griff about Stingtail, he sends an assassin to murder him. If you want Stingtail alive you can leave some of your party members near Stingtail before talking to Griff. After talking to Griff immediately switch to those party members and attack the assassin that comes to kill Stingtail