Azbi-ra in her house in Speckled Shell Plantation in TESO.

Azbi-ra is a Khajiit NPC in The Elder Scrolls Online.


Speckled Shell Plantation (Khenarthi's Roost)


Azbi-ra's House




Father burned in the fire, my brother missing ... S'rendarr, show mercy!

What happened here?[edit]

Our moon-sugar storehouses caught fire. Father thought to save our livelihood. He ran inside, and ....

The burns weren't bad, but the sweet-smoke ruined his lungs. Without powerful medicine, he won't last the day.

Is there anything I can do?[edit]

Father tried to save our alchemical tools. If they survived the fire, I could trade them for medicine.

Please, it's all I can do to keep my father alive. This one begs you to salvage the tools from our storehouses!

I'll find any tools that survived the fire.[edit]

Please return quickly with the tools. If I can't trade them for medicine, this one's father will die.

(QUEST STARTED: The Family Business)



Related Quests[edit]

The Family Business