Talk to Captain Odreth, one of the quest tasks in Oath of Excision

"Talk to Captain Odreth" is a quest objective/task in the quest Oath of Excision in The Elder Scrolls Online


I need to find Captain Odreth and see what I can do to help Vinedusk Village.


Oath of Excision


Vinedusk Village - Reaper's Marsh (Elsweyr)


Head to the Northeast and up the stairs into the nearby village. Welcome to Vinedusk Village proper. Head inside the archway and go over to the tree on the left with the marker. This will lead you directly to Captain Odreth's Quarters. Head over to the left and you will find the Captain.



Damned Colovians. They pick the most inconvinent times to get brave.

Soldier? Report.

One of your scouts told me you could use some help?[edit]

I suppose so. The Rangers are spread thin across the Dominion and into Cyrodiil

Damn Colovians wouldn't have been able to take us at all if we were at full strength.

Where do you want me?[edit]

We have a two-pronged counterattack prepared. We're going to burn the Colovians out of the village, then take them by surprise in their camp.

I'd like you to help one of my aides prep for our first attack.

Just tell me what to do.[edit]

Talk to Glooredel, our alchemical engineer. Her lab is at the base of the tree.

She'll fill you in on the plan. Meanwhile, I'll work here with Herdor in preparation of our second assault.

As you say, sir.[edit]

I should warn you, Gloo is a little ... odd. But she's a damned genius when it comes to alchemy.

Can you tell me more about the Vinedusk Rangers?[edit]

The plan is to burn down the village? What about the villagers?[edit]

Why are you so annoyed about the Colovians?[edit]
