Verrik's Note in Lerineaux Manor in ESO

"Verrik's Note" is a note in The Elder Scrolls Online

It is a note from Verrik to Martine Lerineaux detailing a plot to assassinate King Casimir


Found on a desk in the second floor of the Lerineaux Manor



Your ships are more than adequate to transport our agents. All you need to do is deliver the cargo. Once night falls, we'll emerge from the crates and use Leveque's maps to get close to King Casimir.

Angof will be pleased with the chaos caused by Casimir's death! The kingdom's leaderless ranks will offer the Bloodthorns little resistance. Overcoming the south will be easy and Glenumbra will be ours. Rest assured that you will be compensated very well for your loyalty to the Bloodthorn's cause.

See that those crates are not disturbed. The agents inside must stay hidden until the time is right. If they are discovered, I will perform the deed myself and then come back for you. Do not fail us.




Related Quest[edit]

Blood and the Crescent Moon

