EU IV Ideas Interface

Diplomatic Ideas[edit]

These ideas focus on developing a sound and professional diplomatic corps. Once this entire package is acquired, you will suffer a reduced Stability penalty from diplomatic actions. This package contains:

  • ForeignEmbassies(makes an additional Diplomat available)
  • ClaimFabrication(reduces the time to Fabricate Claims by 50%)
  • Cabinet(increases your Diplomatic Upkeep by 3)
  • Adaptability(speeds up your core creation by 33%)
  • RevolutionandCounter-Revolution(grants a permanent Casus Belli against

other government types)

  • Diplomatic Influence (increases your Diplomatic Reputation by 3)
  • FlexibleNegotiations(reduces the peace costs of unjust demands by 33%)

Trade Ideas[edit]

These ideas focus on promoting and protecting trade in your empire. Once the whole package is acquired you gain an additional Merchant. This package contains:

  • ShrewdCommercePractices(boosts Global Trade Power by 10%)
  • FreeTrade (grants you an additional Merchant)
  • MerchantAdventures(boosts your Trade Range by 25%)
  • NationalTradePolicy(adds 10% to your Trade Efficiency)
  • OverseasMerchants(grants you an additional Merchant)
  • TradeManipulation(increases your Trade Steering by 25%)
  • FastNegotiations(boosts your National Trade Income Modifier by 10%)

Exploration Ideas[edit]

These ideas focus on the discovery and exploitation… err, that is to say… benevolent resource acquisition of new lands. Acquiring this entire package grants a Permanent Casus Belli against all Pagans. This package contains:

  • ColonialVentures(grants you an additional Colonist)
  • Questfor theNewWorld (allows you to hire Explorers and Conquistadors)
  • OverseasExploration(boosts your Colonial Range by 50%)
  • LandofOpportunity(Global Settler Increase is boosted by 33%)
  • Viceroys(increases your Global Tariffs by33%)
  • FreeColonies(grants you an additional Colonist)
  • GlobalEmpire (adds 10% to your Overseas Income)

Naval Ideas[edit]

These ideas focus on the establishment of a world-class naval force and a national nautical tradition. Once this entire package is acquired, your ships can undergo repairs while at sea, so long as they are in a coastal zone. This package contains:

  • SuperiorSeamanship(increases Morale of fleets by 1.00)
  • NavalGlory(increases prestige from Naval Battles by 100%)
  • GrandNavy(increases Naval Force Limits by 100%)
  • Seahawks(boosts Yearly Naval Tradition by 1.00)
  • ExcellentShipwrights(adds 2.00 to leader Maneuver)
  • NavalFightingInstructions(increases Blockade Efficiency by 50%)
  • PressGangs(reduces the cost of ships by 33%)

Expansion Ideas[edit]

These ideas focus on the expansion and increased profitability of your global empire. Once the whole package is acquired, you gain a Permanent Casus Belli against all less advanced Asian nations. This package contains:

  • AdditionalColonists(grants you an additional Colonist)
  • AdditionalMerchants(grants you an additional Merchant)
  • FasterColonies(reduces the travel time of your Colonists by 33%)
  • AdditionalDiplomats(increases your Diplomatic Upkeep by 2)
  • ImprovedShipyards(reduces ship construction time by 10%)
  • ExperiencedDiplomats(boosts your Diplomatic Reputation by 3)
  • CompetitiveMerchants(increases your Global Trade Power by 20%)