EU IV Religion Interface

Religion played quite a role during this period of history, from crusades and jihads, popes wielding temporal power, holy empires, religious leagues and alliances and, towering above all, the Protestant Reformation.

For this reason, religion plays a powerful role in Europa Universalis IV. Here, in the Religion Interface, you will find all the information you need to manage your subjects, be they holy or heathen, and to see how well your church and religion are influencing the hearts and minds of your people.

This interface begins by displaying your religion and its symbol. At times, particularly when the Protestant Reformation begins, you may have the option to change your state religion. When this occurs, the cross and arrow button will light up, and you may click on it to change your state religion and plunge your nation into confusion and chaos! Steel yourself, but take comfort in the fact that you will be worshiping God correctly… and soon your subjects will as well, though they may need some convincing.

The religions and their effects are:


  • Catholic – The state can convert to Protestant or Reformed. The tolerance

of Catholic is +1 and tolerance of others is -1. You may enter into Papal politics. Possible heretics include: Bogomilist, Waldensian, Fraticelli, Hussite, Lollard, and Socinian.

  • Protestant – The state can convert to Catholic or Reformed. You receive a

global tax modifier of +10%, and Idea costs of -10%. Possible heretics include: Pentacostal, Puritan, and Congregationalist.

  • Reformed – The state can convert to Catholic or Protestant. You will enjoy a

global trade proficiency of +10%, and an increased Advisor pool. Possible heretics include: Methodist, Baptist, and Quaker.

  • Orthodox– The state cannot convert. You will enjoy a stability cost modifier of

-10%, and the tolerance of Orthodox is +1. You may use Patriarch Authority, which lowers taxes in exchange for lowered risk of revolt and an increase in manpower. Orthodox nations tend to be more tolerated by other Christians. Possible heretics include: Old Believers, Molokan, Dukhobor, Khlyst, Skoptsy, and Iconoclast.


  • Sunni – Tolerance of Sunnis is +1, and your leader will enjoy a 100% chance of an

heir. This religion can use Piety Mechanics, whereby various bonuses result from higher levels of Piety, the devotion of your people to their faith . Attacking Heretics and Heathens increases your Piety, while attacking other Sunnis decreases your Piety. Possible heretics include: Bektashi, Amhadi, Zikri, Yazidi, and Sikhs.

  • Shiite – Your leader will enjoy a 100% chance of an heir, and your land-based

forces will receive a 25% bonus to morale. This religion also uses Piety Mechanics. Possible heretics include: Druze, Hurufi, and Zaidi.

Eastern Religions[edit]

  • Buddhism – Your tolerance of heathens is +1, and your tolerance of heretics is

+2. Possible heretics: Zen.

  • Hinduism – This religion grants a global tax modifier of +5%. Your tolerance of

heretics is +1. Possible heretics are Bhaktis and Sikhs.

  • Confucianism – Your tolerance of heretics is +2, and your tolerance of heathens

is +1. Possible heretics: Taoist.

  • Shinto – Your land-based forces will receive a + 0.50 bonus to morale, and your

tolerance of heathens is -1. Possible heretics: Shugendo.


  • Animism – Your tolerance of heretics is +2, and your defensiveness is -0.50. Possible

heretics: Bear Spirit, Snake Clan.

  • Shamanism – Your tolerance of heretics is +2, and your defensiveness is -0.50.

Possible heretics: Goat Skull.