Build the Vault 88 Overseer's Desk in Fallout 4.

Build the Vault 88 Overseer's Desk is a quest objective in the mission A Model Citizen in Fallout 4: Vault Tec.


A Model Citizen
A Model Citizen


Vault 88
Vault 88


You now need to start building things to begin filling in the vault. There will be nothing too complete and most of the materials can be found around the area. Go to the Vault-Tec Workshop and enter workshop mode. You will need to build a Vault 88 Overseer's Desk. This can be moved later, but for now it just needs to be built. Most, if not all, the supplies can be found inside the Workshop already.

Build the Vault 88 Overseer's Desk - A Model Citizen

Just build the Desk anywhere within the buildable area that you have available to you. It can always be moved at a later point.

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

A Model Citizen Quest[edit]