Defend the Hull in Fallout 4.

Defend the Hull is a quest objective in the mission Walk in the Park in Fallout 4: Far Harbor.


Walk in the Park
Walk in the Park


Far Harbor
Far Harbor


Time for your first encounter with some of the local wildlife that is out to kill you. The first wave of this defensive is against a group of Young Gulpers. There is likely one Legendary Gulper in this group that you will need to kill as well.

Defend the Hull - Walk in the Park

The second wave to come at the Hull has more Gulpers and some Radroaches. Things will calm down for a moment. Take some time to heal if it is needed and reload your weapons.

Defend the Hull - Walk in the Park

The Mariner will warn that there is more coming out of the Fog. She is right. One more wave of enemies is approach the town. This will introduce you to the next new enemy type: Anglers. There will be at least one Legendary Angler coming toward the Hull with the others. Plus a number more Gulpers. Clear out these foes to finish off the defense of the town.

Defend the Hull - Walk in the Park

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

Having your Power Armor helps immensely here for the increased load capability and boost to radiation and damage resistance.

You will have an easier time surviving the fight if you keep up on the Hull itself. This will allow you to avoid the damaging melee attacks that the creatures of Far Harbor possess.

Walk in the Park Quest[edit]