The Dunwich Borers near Salem.
The Dunwich Borers near Salem.

The Dunwich Borers is a Quarry Fallout 4.

Located near Salem.


First Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
Third Floor
Dunwich Borers Quarry
Dunwich Borers Quarry


Dunwich Borers Terminal 1
Dunwich Borers Terminal
Dunwich Borers Terminal 2
Dunwich Borers Terminal
Dunwich Borers Terminal 3
Dunwich Borers Terminal
Dunwich Borers Terminal 4
Dunwich Borers Terminal


Feral Ghouls
Feral Ghoul

Unique Enemies[edit]

Time Shoots
Time Shoots
Feral Ghouls
Feral Ghoul
Feral Ghouls
Feral Ghoul
Feral Ghouls
Feral Ghoul
Feral Ghouls
Feral Ghoul


Sneak Bobblehead
Sneak Bobblehead
Astoundingly Awesome Tales Comic Book#3
Astoundingly Awesome Tales #3
Dunwich - Tim Shoots
Dunwich - Tim Shoots
Dunwich - Management
Dunwich - Management
Mini Nuke
Mini Nuke


Kremvh's Tooth
Kremvh's Tooth
Mini Nuke
Mini Nuke

Power Armor[edit]

Can be looted off any Raider that is wearing Power Armor.


Can be the target of various Radiant Quests

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • While it seems a normal workplace, as you progress deeper you will see that something much darker was going on with the Management of the location.



There are numerous Turrets and Raiders. This includes at least 1 Legendary Raider and one in Power Armor. Take your time making your way down. Use Sniper Rifles and other weapons with extended range to carefully clear out the turrets at a safe distance. This can also help a lot to weaken or eliminate the Raider in Power Armor.

Dunwich Borers

Dunwich Borers

You will want to find the entrance to the internal part of the quarry. This is found in the Northeastern corner of the Quarry.

Dunwich Borers

Dunwich Borers

Once inside, go forward, following the corridor to the East.

This will lead to a large room. Go down the slope in front of you. Turn to the East and take the slope/stairs downward, deeper in.

Dunwich Borers

When you make it into the next room, head to the Northeast to reach the far side of the room. Turn to the North after that.

KDunwich Borers

This will lead you to a steep set of stairs. Take them down to reach the lower section of this Quarry. Go down the steep sets of stairs.

Dunwich Borers

At the bottom, head to the West and continue along the corridor.

Dunwich Borers

Go on down the next set of stairs and through the corridor to go up the far side.

Dunwich Borers

Make your way over to the West from the room you arrive in. You will find a fork lift. Turn to the West and go up the slope there.

Dunwich Borers

In this area, turn to the North and across a very small walkway.

Dunwich Borers

Keep to the right. You will see a terminal ahead of you. This is Dunwich Borers Terminal 4. You can use it to learn more about what has happened by ejecting the Holotape in it (Dunwich - Tim Shoots). Continue past it to the East.

Dunwich Borers

Follow the corridor there to find the pool at the bottom of the quarry. it is protected by at least 4 Feral Ghouls, all of who are named.

Defeat them and dive into the water. This is highly irradiated. Be sure to have the Aquaboy if being underwater is disorienting for you. Otherwise, have some RadAway and Rad-X, if not a Radiation Suit to protect you from the water.

Dunwich Borers

Swim down. Look for an opening in the tunnel wall to the North. It is shown by the skeleton there and the light coming from it.

Dunwich Borers

Swim to the North in this short tunnel. At the end of it is a small altar. On you will find 2 Mini Nukes and Kremvh's Tooth.

Dunwich Borers



  • This was the scene of some cult. As you wander through the tunnels, you will occasionally get glimpses of the past and the events that happened within the quarry cave.