Gain access to DiMA's terminal in Fallout 4.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal is a quest objective in the mission Best Left Forgotten in Fallout 4: Far Harbor.


Best Left Forgotten
Best Left Forgotten


The Nucleus
The Nucleus


Make your way back outside Acadia. The Nucleus is found to the West of Acadia on the Coast of the Island. Making your way there, you will come across a pair of Acolytes that have gotten in trouble. Richter will tell them that one of them can return to the base. One will protest but the other will simply kill them.

Talk with Richter will ask if you are interested in joining the Children of Atom. You will need to in order to avoid trouble while moving about the Nucleus. This will trigger the Children of Atom quest: Visions in the Fog. Complete this quick quest to gain access to the Nucleus itself.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

Once inside, you will need to head across the walkway to the South. The High Confessor is likely delivering a sermon about the glories of Atom. Favor the left as you go forward and take the ramp there up.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

Follow this path upwards and to the Southwest. Turning to the South you will find another ramp. You want to take this upwards as well. Take the stairs up to the top.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

At the top of the stairs, head into the Nucleus Command Center. Head into the room to the North.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

The first part of fairly easy to deal with. You will need to avoid some trip laser traps. You can easily do this by disabling them for their components. However, these are mobile and move up and down on a track. If you do not want to bother, simply sprint straight through them.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

Going through the first door past the laser mines, you will be greeted by the Machine Gun Turret on the wall. Destroy it or continue running over to the local terminal. This terminal is just around the corner, up the short set of stairs and between a pair of doors. This can be used to learn more about the area, possibly to turn off some of the defenses.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

From those doors, you will see emerge Lieutenant Gutsy and some Protectrons. There is a second turret mounted above the Western door in this area.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

Go through the Western door after you deal with the threats in this room. There is more security waiting for you through the next doorway. Around the corner you can see a Protectron patrolling ahead of you. Quickly defeat it and continue forward to the South. Open the door in the Southern wall and head up the stairs just inside it on the left.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

Follow the corridor forward as its winds toward your destination. There will be a Legendary Protectron and at least one regular one in the room just before your destination. Destroy the Protectrons and go over to the Terminal by the door in the Western wall.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

Access the terminal to open the door blocking your way. Go inside the room and head over to the left.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

To the left you will find a security gate. Open it up and go to the back center of the room. You will find the auxiliary power switch. Activate this to turn on the lights and power for this room.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

Go to the center of the room, where the quest marker is. This is the terminal that will let you access the memories that DiMA has stored here. Be careful because activating the power will trigger an Assaultron Unit that is hiding in an adjacent room.

Gain access to DiMA's terminal - Best Left Forgotten

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

Best Left Forgotten Quest[edit]