Investigate the Boathouse in Fallout 4.

Investigate the Boathouse is a quest objective in the mission Far From Home in Fallout 4: Far Harbor.


Far From Home
Far From Home


Nakano Residence
Nakano Residence


Head out of the main house and go over to the East. You will see the boathouse there. Go in through the Eastern door.

Investigate the Boathouse - Far From Home

Going in from the Eastern door will put you right across from an odd picture.

Investigate the Boathouse - Far From Home

Turn to the South and head to the southern end of the boat house.

Investigate the Boathouse - Far From Home

In the southern part of the boat you can find a safe. On that safe you will find Grandfather's Note.

Investigate the Boathouse - Far From Home

Inside the safe you will find a few Junk Items and a final holotape: Kasumi's Final Holotape

Far From Home Quest[edit]