Investigate the Nakano Residence in Fallout 4.

Investigate the Nakano Residence is a quest objective in the mission Far From Home in Fallout 4: Far Harbor.


Far From Home
Far From Home


Nakano Residence
Nakano Residence


Head on upstairs and go into the second room on the right. This will lead you directly into Kasumi's room.

Investigate the Nakano Residence - Far From Home

Upstairs you can find a number of Holotapes scattered around the house. On her desk by the window there is a Holotape. If you look toward the head of her bed, you will find another Holotape under it.

Investigate the Nakano Residence - Far From Home

There is another Holotape on the table in the hallway.

Investigate the Nakano Residence - Far From Home

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

Far From Home Quest[edit]