Kasumi's Projects: Kitchen in Fallout 4.

The Kasumi's Projects: Kitchen is a Fallout 4 in Fallout 4.


A tape highlighting one of Kasumi's projects.


Kasumi: Project log. Kitchen mixer. The circuits are still good, but all the mechanical parts are rusted through. Maybe I can ...

Kenji: All right everyone, I'll be back in a few days. Was there anything else we needed from the city?

Kasumi: Wait, you're going now? *Clang* Oww... Wait, dad, I could come with you!

Kenji: I... It's beetter if I go alone, Kasumi. Don't worry, I have your list.

Kasumi: You don't know what half that list is, dad. I can help you. Really! I'll be ...

Kenji: I said no! I... *breathes* I'm sorry... You're safe here, okay? Just stay put for me.

Kasumi: *sigh* Okay ...

Kenji: II know you're disappointed, but I won't be long. I love you.

Kasumi: *sigh* I love you too, dad.

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • This holotape helps show the relationship between Kasumo and her father Kenji.