Robert Joseph MacCready in Fallout 4.

Robert Joseph MacCready is a Human in Fallout 4.

Once found, they can be recruited to help the Sole Survivor. He can be romanced.


The Third Rail - Goodneighbor


Robert Joseph MacCready was the mayor of Little Lamplight in the Capital Wasteland. Like any other person, when he was too old to stay there any longer. He drifted around and made it his way southward.

During this time, he met up and married a woman named Lucy. They had a son named Duncan. When they first met, MacCready lied to her, telling her he was a soldier when he was a gun for hire. He never told her the truth. At some unknown time, Lucy was killed by Feral Ghouls. Their son Duncan contracts an unknown disease. MacCready has made his way into the Commonwealth looking for a cure.

When found in the back of The Third Rail. He is being confronted by 2 Gunners about his operating in their territory.


He can be hired on for 250 caps. You can talk him down to 200 or 100 caps, depending on your caps stock (and Charisma).

Starting Inventory[edit]


  • Violent acts
  • Speech Checks for more caps
  • Stealing


  • Nice, Mean and Peaceful acts
  • Lockpicking (Owned)
  • Chem addiction
  • Chem Use
  • Donating Items
  • Murder Non-hostiles


Killshot - +20% headshot accuracy in VATS

Affinity Quest[edit]

Long Road Ahead - Complete to gain access to Killshot.