Return to the Overseer in Fallout 4.

Return to the Overseer is a quest objective in the mission A Model Citizen in Fallout 4: Vault Tec.


A Model Citizen
A Model Citizen


Vault 88
Vault 88


With the Vault 88 Overseer's Desk built, wait for Overseer Barstow to get to the Desk. The closer you can build it to her, the better. She will not start the next set of dialogue after she has a chance to sit down and access the Overseer's Terminal that is in the desk. Once she has, talk with her. She will ask you to turn on the radio beacon for the Vault. She is certain that a number of people on the surface will be more than willing to do what it takes to live in their vault.

Return to the Overseer - A Model Citizen

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

A Model Citizen Quest[edit]