Safe Room Security Tape in Fallout 4.

The Safe Room Security Tape is a Holotape in Fallout 4.


Franny Richardson: Hey! Hands where I can see them! Now, where is the key?

Arnold Wabash: Franny, put the gun down. What exactly do you think you're going to accomplish?

Franny Richardson:My job. You're going to give me that key and I'm going to get paid.

Arnold Wabash: Paid? The world's over. Are you really-- AH! Ah! Ah!

Franny Richardson: Scream all you want, Arnie. Everyone's been evacuated. It's just you and me. Now, focus. Where is the key?

Arnold Wabash: Rot in hell... AH!

Franny Richardson: We can do this all day, Arnie.

Arnold Wabash: Fine. The hell's it matter? It's on the boat. Fringe Cove Docks. Franny Richardson: Now was that so hard?

Franny Richardson: So long, Captain. Now, where the hell's the release for this do--

Arnold Wabash: Sorry, Franny. You're stuck... with me.

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]