Speak to Sister Aubert in Fallout 4.

Speak to Sister Aubert is a quest objective in the mission Witch Hunt in Fallout 4: Far Harbor.


Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt


The Nucleus
The Nucleus


Start from the High Confessor's quarters inside The Vessel. Head to the North, through the open doorway there. Jump over the railing and drop down to the level below you.

Speak to Sister Aubert - Witch Hunt

Search around this area and you will find reach Sister Aubert.

Speak to Sister Aubert - Witch Hunt

Talking with Aubert before you have searched her bunk will let you learn a little about the Crypt. Asking about the Crypt and being denied a place in it will have her make mention of looking at Tektus the wrong way. With a medium Charisma check, you can get a hint of her feelings toward Tektus, but she will quickly end the conversation and will not talk with you again until you have searched her bunk.

Talking with Aubert after searching her bunk (and completing the investigation of the footlocker in the storage room) will give you a much more complete conversation. Having done the search, you will be able to confront her.

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • When you speak to Aubert will change just how much conversation she will have with the Mainlander.

Witch Hunt Quest[edit]