Strong Back Perk (Strength 6) in Fallout 4.

Strong Back is a perk in Fallout 4.

Perk Chart Picture[edit]

The Vault Boy carrying boxes, furniture, and lots of heavy stuff.


Adds Carry Weight, levels may lead to reduced weight from certain items and the Long Haul effect.

At higher ranks, you can fast travel even while encumbered, and run while encumbered at the cost of Action Points.


Strong Back has 4 (5 with Far Harbor) ranks:

  • Rank 1: What are you, part pack mule? Gain +25 to carry weight. (Requires: STR 6)
  • Rank 2: You now have +50 to carry weight (Requires: Level 10, STR 6)
  • Rank 3: When overencumberred, you can use Action Points to run. (Requires: Level 20, STR 6)
  • Rank 4: When overencumberred, you can fast travel. (Requires: Level 30, STR 6)
  • Rank 5: (Far Harbor DLC) While over-encumbered, running costs 50% less action points. (Requires: Level 40, STR 6)


Stat Points

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Useful if you like to haul lots of stuff around .

Back to Perk Chart[edit]

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