Locate Brody's Room is an objective in Fallout 76 (F76).



  • Now it is time to find the room that Brody was in.
  • From the building that had the notes, look out over the railing to the West.
  • You will see a large building with canvas covers over the front of it.
  • Go to the Northern side of the building, where you will find a set of stairs.
  • Go on up the stairs and head into the building.
  • Inside this building, go over to the left, to the door.
  • The door is locked (level 3), so if you do not have the Master Lockpick.
  • Without the lockpick, go over to the left of the door.
  • Head to the Common Room Terminal and interact with it to learn more about this place and how to get into the room.
