Locate Hallucigen Gas is an objective in Fallout 76 (F76).



  • To find the HalluciGen Gas, you will want to head to Garrahan Mining Headquarters, south of the Riverside Manor.
  • Go into the Headquarters and head on down the inactive escalator.
  • Go to the South and enter the door to the Garrahan Mining Atrium.
  • Once inside, head forward and down the stairs in front of you.
  • Fight the few Feral Ghouls and the one or two Feral Ghoul Roamers in the area as well.
  • Head on through the Southern door just past the reception desk.
  • This will lead you toward the office you are looking for.
  • Go through the next door in front of you and into the office for the CEO.
  • What you are looking for is in the safe.
  • If you have Lockpicking 2, you can simply attempt to pick the lock.
