Loading Screen Hints in Far Cry 3

This page has the loading screen tips from Far Cry 3

Throw rocks to distract enemies, then sneak past them or get up close for a silent takedown

If you die while exploring the island, you will continue from the nearest unlocked safe house

The Heron skills in the Skills menu are focused on long range attacks and mobility

Sell enemy loot for money, but keep plant and animal loot for crafting

The Heavy Beatdown skill lets you kill a heavy enemy with a powerful takedown

Enemies within range are automatically tagged when aiming at them with your weapon for a few seconds

Stay longer underwater by crafting the Deep Dive Syringe or learning the Deep Breath Skill

Safe houses contain automatic stores for customizing weapons and buying supplies.

Use the Camera to tag groups of enemies from a distance, making them easier to track.

More powerful weapons support attachments - customize them in stores

Hostile outposts can be identified by their black smoke stacks and red flags

New quests and activities are unlocked by liberating outposts and activating radio towers.

Unlock safe houses by liberating outposts

Use the Gunslinger Takedown skill to steal an enemy's pistol and use it to kill other enemies

Use grenades and molotovs to flush out enemies from behind cover.

The Takedown Drag skill lets you kill an enemy and silently drag his body away

More powerful weapons support attachments - customize them in stores

Stay longer underwater by crafting the Depp Dive syringe or learning the Deep Breath Skill

SMGs offer fast rates of fire and low recoil, however they burn through ammo quickly

Collect the memory cards to uncover Rook Island's sordid connections to drug cartels

Liberate an outpost to make a region safer. Enemy-controlled regions are marked in red on the world map