Make a Break For It is the first quest in Far Cry 3
Quest Type[edit]
Story Quest
Start Location[edit]
Vaas's Camp
How to Start[edit]
This quest starts automatically
You need to escape the jail at the beginning of the game.
Follow Grant. Avoid getting caught.
Throw a rock to lure the guard away from the window.
Lure the guards away from the exit.
This intro quest serves as a tutorial mission to help you get familiar with the game's controls. Pay attention to the instructions on the screen. Interact with the items on the table and grab them and the map. Throw a rock and lure the guard away from the window. Keep following Grant. Throw another rock and follow Grant under the wooden platform. Watch the cutscene. You can't save your brother.
Run into the jungle. Sprint and jump over the obstacles. Go through the jungle and climb some vines. Cross the wood bridge ahead of you. A chopper attacks, and you fall down.
This ends the first quest.
Next Quest[edit]
"Holy fuck, he's dead" (Jason Brody)
"That is what they teach you in the army" (Grant Brody)
"oh fuck. Fuck, fuck. fuck. fuck, fuck." (Jason Brody)