Get ready for Combat!

You'll spend most of your time in Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon getting in or out of firefights. Here are some of the ways you can keep the situation under control.

Check your detection meter. When enemies start to detect you, don't be afraid to fall back and find another way through, or create a distraction by throwing a die.

Use cover. If it looks like you can hide behind it, you can probably use it as cover. Stay crouched, and don't forget to check out the situation by quickly peeking out around edges and corners.

Look for opportunities. Keep an eye out for vantage points, ziplines, getaway vehicles, explosive fuel drums and cover points as you prepare for battle.

Track your enemies. You can tag enemies from a distance with your cyber- eye, or tag up close by aiming at them when they are within the optimal range of your weapon.

Stay healthy. Keep a supply of nano-meds for quick healing, or be prepared to take the time to perform Basic Repair.