Secure the safehouse is an objective in Far Cry 5 (FC5).

Secure the safehouse is an objective in the Side Quest , Patriot Acts in Far Cry 5


Clear the Cultists around the safehouse.


  • It is recommend to approach the Northern side of the cabin to begin, moving to the South to reach it.
  • Nearby the helicopter is a Cultists VIP, tougher to kill in direct conflict, but easily beaten with a takedown.
  • Move to the Northern face of the building and hide in the trees around the house.
  • While there, wait for the Cultist to go past you and then take them down as well.
  • If you use some of the other weapons, you will find the other cultist get alerted and come after you.
  • Defeat the Cultists in the area to secure the location and begin your next search.
