Anti-Aircraft Site Mu in Far Cry 6 (FarCry6).

Anti-Aircraft Site Mu is an Anti-Aircraft Site in Far Cry 6.





  • This Anti-Aircraft Site is found in the Southeastern part of the Biovida Lab Facilities.
  • Keep to the cliff-face to avoid passing through the facility grounds, but it will mean that are more soldiers around the Cannon itself, and a great need for stealth if you don't want to get into a big firefight.
  • Climb on up the ledges that lead to the Site itself, putting you on the ground just to the North of it.
  • Turn to the South and mark the 2 Assaulters here.
  • Take them down and then work your way to toward the Northern and Western parts.
  • To the West, you can spot a Vanguard patrolling nearby and a Sniper on a walkway nearby.
  • To the North is an Assaulter and a Sniper, who generally only show up if you made a bit of noise.
  • After dealing with all that, look to the Cannon itself.
  • There is a wall of Sandbags here, next to a tall light and some crates and a table.
  • Next to the sandbag wall you will find the Depleted Uranium.
  • Collect the Depleted Uranium then look to the Cannon itself, time to destroy it.
  • Grab some explosives, Rocket Launcher, or Grenade Launcher and blow it up.

Video Walkthrough[edit]

Anti-Aircraft Site Mu Video Walkthrough