Cross the rooftops is an objective in Far Cry 6 (FarCry6).

Cross the rooftops is an objective in the Story Mission, La Noche De La Muerte in Far Cry 6


  • With the painting of Presidente ahead of you, go over to the left.
  • Move along this walkway here.
  • go toward the next rooftop.
  • Just before getting there, the boards under your feet will give way.
  • The people in the room in front of you will panic, screaming about a terrorist in their home.
  • Go through the door to the left of them and then through the next door to the right to get outside over the streets again.
  • Go on the crossway over to the far side and the next building.
  • Head forward then look for the ladder on the left.
  • Take this up to return to the rooftops.
  • Go over to the right, across the crossway.
  • Get to the zipline anchored on the nearby antenna where you will find Lita waiting for Dani.
  • Hop onto the zipline and get across the plaza you are above.
  • Touch down on the far side you be that much closer to your destination.
