Retrieve the Vengeance Bow is an objective in Far Cry 6 (FarCry6).

Retrieve the Vengeance Bow is an objective in the Yaran Story, All The Blood in Far Cry 6


  • Time to "sneak" into San Miguel Fort
  • Head to the Eastern entrance of the Fort.
  • Pick off the Pistolero by the entrance here.
  • Sneak up along the Northern side of the truck to get a look into the courtyard.
  • Start working to clear the Courtyard with silent weapons; there are 4 Assaulters.
  • Farther along the Western side, you will see a Pistolero.
  • Clear those foes out and then head to the Northern side of the building here.
  • Take the stairs up to the walkway above.
  • Follow the walkway to the West and turn around the corner to the South.
  • Once around the corner, go to the nearby ladder between the two doors here.
  • Take the ladder up and go to the far side of the ramparts.
  • Drop down to the ground below after that.
  • Head along the building on the Eastern side to find the access point for the Vengeance Bow itself.
  • Go through the first open doorway of the barred arches to find it sitting in a case.
