The True Loyalist in Far Cry 6.

The True Loyalist is a Weapons in Far Cry 6.


When I was young I had a book about an Indian patriot, who named himself "the Free" when wrongfully arrested by police. I was proud to burn it along with the rest of my impure belongings when I was awakened to Castillo's truth. But the story always with with me, and I commissioned this "elephant gun" to honor that proud figure. There's no elephants in Yara. But I can think of a few things to shoot with it anyway - J. Aguila

  • Devastating at sort range, imprecise at long range.
  • Rating: 2 Stars




Damage 2
Velocity 5
Accuracy 2.8
Stealth 2.9
Handling 5
Rate of Fire 180 RPM
Magazine 2
