Far Cry 6 Insanity: Collect the Silver Dragon Blade Piece - Radio Play

From Orcz
Collect the Silver Dragon Blade Piece is an objective in Far Cry 6 (FarCry6Insanity).

Collect the Silver Dragon Blade Piece is an objective in the Story Mission, Radio Play in Far Cry 6 Insanity


  • With the manifestations of Jason defeated, Cirta will congratulate Vaas before telling him to go find the Silver Dragon Blade Piece.
  • Turn to the stern of the ship and use the stairs to climb up to the mid level.
  • Go to the middle section of this part and climb up onto the next level.
  • Once there, just go toward the stern and into the command room there.
  • In the back of it, you will find the Silver Dragon Blade Piece.
  • A short cutscene runs and then a memory plays back for Vaas.
  • Before leaving the Medusa, be sure to watch the whole memory play out.
