Escort Rush is an objective in Far Cry New Dawn (FCND).

Escort Rush is an objective in the Main Quest, Crawling from the Wreckage in Far Cry New Dawn


  • Thomas Rush and Garrett Barnes free the Captain from the toppled remains of the trains that had pinned them down.
  • Rush will give the Captain a knife to start things here.
  • Turn around and look into the wreckage that you have just exited from.
  • You will find a few supplies and a note, Resignation, and check the bags on the ground for ammo to get you started.
  • Going farther back you can find a Medkit to collect as well.
  • Head back out of the car and drop onto the tracks to the right.
  • As you exit the tunnel you will want to go into the train car on the left.
  • On a crate just inside the train car, you will find another Note, Rush's journal.
  • Continue forward from there, exiting the far end of the train car.
  • Stop and loot any bags will a small circle on them that you find crossing this path.
  • Drop out of the far end of the train and start making your way toward the closest open shipping container.
  • Continue through to the second train car.
  • About the middle, on the left, you will find someone who is downed, you can over to them and revive them.
  • Be sure to also collect the Medkit by them.
  • Go through the rest of the train car and reach the end of it.
  • Just past the train, you will find a Highwayman threatened someone.
  • You can creep up behind them for a Silent Takedown and then liberate the captive.
  • Press forward and go through the next car.
  • Continue toward the marker in front of you.
  • In the next train car, you will find the Note, Farmer's Journal and then exit it through the far end.
  • Take out the Highwaymen and liberate the hostage.
  • After that, you will be fighting a large group of Highwayman.
