Find what the dog wants is an objective in Far Cry New Dawn (FCND).

Find what the dog wants is an objective in the Story Mission, Man Eat Dog World in Far Cry New Dawn


  • The dog, Timber, will head to the West, opening the gate.
  • Jump over the small metal sheets and turn to the right (North).
  • Break the boards and duck under the gate held up by the crate on the right.
  • Go forward and climb up onto the crates in front of you and onto the board above you.
  • On the pipes you find yourself on, turn to the East and go across the pipes.
  • Climb on up onto the ledge and then turn to the right (South).
  • Head onto plank bridge and then turn left and climb up onto the nearby wall, where you see the blue ropes.
  • Go to the South across the tops of the cages and turn to the right.
  • Run and jump across the gap to the next tower of cages.
  • Go over to the nearby wall and turn to the East.
  • Turn to the East and once again use a running jump to get to the next set of cages.
  • Continue to the East to the next opening to the North.
  • Jump across the gap onto the next tower of cages.
  • There is an opening on the top of the cages and drop through it.
  • Turn around after you land and crouch through the opening.
  • Go over to the dead dog and you will see some keys sitting on the planks, which you want to collect.
  • Head into the opening in the cages in front of you to drop down to ground level.
  • Go to the North and open the yellow cage door.
