Far Cry New Dawn: Liberate Jerome from the Highwaymen - Jerome Comes Home

From Orcz
Liberate Jerome from the Highwaymen is an objective in Far Cry New Dawn (FCND).

Liberate Jerome from the Highwaymen is an objective in the Side Mission, Jerome Comes Home in Far Cry New Dawn


  • When you arrive at Rye & Daughter Aviation, you will find a large group of Highwaymen have taken over and have a few Hostages scattered around the area.
  • Go to the West of the house toward the camp that has been set-up nearby.
  • There are 8 Rank 1 Soldiers and likely 1 Rank 2 Soldier that will be patrolling the area.
  • Work your way inward, possibly causing a stir to draw all of the Highwaymen over to you.
  • Eliminate them and make your way over to the Western side of the camp.
  • On your way, you should liberate what hostages you can.
  • Go to the truck you see on the far Western side.
  • Open up the gate and there let out Pastor Jerome.
